The statement that comes to mind everytime I look at this picture is the famous quote by Victor Hugo "The turks must have passed through here"
This church is one of thousands that have been and are still being destroyed by the turks to eliminate every evidence of a differing religion and culture that lived gracefully, peacefully in that country.
Instead of being a house of the lord, standing tall as it's builders intended, and songs of praise emanating from the faithful parishioners, it's awaiting for someone (anyone) who cares to come and rebuild it.
is that not what we are supposed to do?
If a few families a year made the effort to rebuild one of these ruins, pretty soon, instead of the negative image we would be filled with the joy that there are still a few people left on eath that care about stopping the destruction of these wonderfull cultural relics.
This church is one of thousands that have been and are still being destroyed by the turks to eliminate every evidence of a differing religion and culture that lived gracefully, peacefully in that country.
Instead of being a house of the lord, standing tall as it's builders intended, and songs of praise emanating from the faithful parishioners, it's awaiting for someone (anyone) who cares to come and rebuild it.
is that not what we are supposed to do?
If a few families a year made the effort to rebuild one of these ruins, pretty soon, instead of the negative image we would be filled with the joy that there are still a few people left on eath that care about stopping the destruction of these wonderfull cultural relics.