He might not know it, but he has been acting as my surrogate father figure ever since I have been aware of his presence. He might have that same influence on many others most probably.
Most of the time I have been in agreement with his financial moves, specially his position in Chrysler and his takeover of Prim and Mandalay Bay.
His most recent stake in GM is a question that I have not resolved yet.
If he succeeds in shaking up the stale management team, invigorate the stodgy corporate culture, cooperate with the unions to popularize made in USA products that are innovative, at the forefront of technological advances and of high quality than he might be able to turn this old beast around just like the management of Harley Davidson did and help avert the fall of a company that should be an example of American Corporate survival.
I will do my humble analysis of GM's value soon and the probability of returns on investments from this juncture.
So, even though it's a little late, I thank my physical father for bringing me up with the mindset to realize the contribution of all three of the fathers I wrote about recently and the appreciation of their contribution to the society around them and their spiritual guidance for others.
Happy fathers day Dad,
Happy fathers day Kirk Kerkorian,
Happy fathers day Sitting Bull,
Happy fathers day Father Gomidas,
They all serve as my father and their service to me as mentors and spiritual guides is of immeasurable value.
your son